Return of traffic has some Brampton residents concerned about lane reductions for cycling paths


Published October 25, 2021 at 9:45 am

Some Brampton residents are complaining about roads being reduced for cars to accommodate more cyclists.

“Recently I have been noticing that many of two-lane roads have been reduced to one lane with a bike lane,” a Reddit user “Mr_Black_Mamba” posted to the Brampton subreddit page. “It stresses me out seeing all the roads being changed.”

The implementation of additional bike lanes is part of the City’s Active Transportation Master Plan, which intends to develop an integrated and accessible system of sidewalks, cycling facilities, and trails that allows all members of the community to safely and conveniently traverse the city using active modes of transportation.

Last year, the City added 19.7 km of “linear cycling infrastructure,” which includes bike lanes, urban shoulders, multi-use paths, and recreational trails.

This year, it intends to build on this by adding another 29.3 km of additional linear cycling infrastructure.

However, in 2020, traffic was significantly reduced due to the pandemic—fewer people having to commute to work, plus sweeping lockdowns, meant significantly fewer cars on the road.

Now, as more businesses reopen, more people return to the office, and more facilities resume events, more drivers are back on the roads.

However, while some residents are concerned about an increase in traffic, others are enjoying the new infrastructure.

“I started riding my bike to work. It was faster than the bus (multiple transfers) and cheaper than a car,” reddit user “CatsGoHiking” commented. “It also offered a great form of exercise.”

A full list of transportation projects the City has recently completed, is planning, and is currently working on is available online.

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