Mississauga looks to residents, businesses to help shape the city’s future


Published February 25, 2022 at 11:53 am

Mississauga takes first place for property underbidding

Mississauga officials are reaching out to residents, the business community and others as they chart a course for the city’s future.

The City of Mississauga is hosting a virtual open house next Thursday (March 3) from 1 to 2:30 p.m. to let people know how the City’s Official Plan is being updated.

Those interested in participating must register for the session. Residents and others can also provide comments online.

The Official Plan, in essence, governs how Mississauga is built. It’s a blueprint for the future that’s reviewed and updated regularly, as needed.

“It directs where housing, roads and parks should go and how we plan for growth,” City officials say.

“The City’s Official Plan policies address important parts of city-building that affect everyone who lives and works in Mississauga, including transportation, housing, culture and heritage, the environment and the economy.”

The upcoming public session, and related online feedback, will help City officials shape proposed policies related to growth management, environment, climate change and other areas.

The City hosts periodic public sessions to receive input into its Official Plan.

The Official Plan addresses things like:

  • where housing, industry, offices, shops and roads should go
  • which services and amenities (parks, schools, transit) are needed and where they will be located
  • what parts of the city will be the focus for growth and what it will look like
  • what must be considered for growth and development

Mississauga officials say the latest review of the plan is to ensure that it reflects the “changing needs, opportunities and aspirations of our city.”

The review process will:

  • position the city for its next phase of growth until 2051
  • incorporate new provincial legislation and regulations
  • align with Region of Peel Official Plan amendments to various policy focus areas
  • implement new policy initiatives and plans (housing strategy, Transportation Master Plan, Climate Change Action Plan, etc.)
  • consider new trends, ideas and policy implications
  • have a community engagement process

Those interested in participating in the March 3 virtual open house must register for the session.

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