Wise Guys Charity commits $25K to kids’ component of Lincoln Museum and Cultural Centre


Published December 15, 2021 at 3:53 pm

Wise Guys' Grants Chair J.D. Pachereva presented a $25,000 cheque to Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton, as well as Ward Councillors Mike Mikolic and Paul MacPherson and the Vice-Chair of the Museum Advisory Committee Pauline Creighton.

Usually we’re getting to the part of this season when some people think of Three Wise Men with gifts heading off to a manger.

Well, Lincoln didn’t get Three Wise Men but they did get a gift from The Wise Guys Charity Fund.

In fact, the group made a $75,000 commitment to the Lincoln Museum and Cultural Centre: Home of the Jordan Historical Museum of the Twenty.

Recently, the Wise Guys’ Grants Chair J.D. Pachereva presented a $25,000 cheque to Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton, as well as Ward Councillors Mike Mikolic and Paul MacPherson and the Vice-Chair of the Museum Advisory Committee Pauline Creighton.

And where the Three Wise Men were thinking about one child, the Wise Guys Charity Fund is thinking about a lot of children.

The cash was going towards creating the children’s educational space at the Lincoln Museum and Cultural Centre. This educational space will provide no-cost access to play-based learning for children to help them develop a strong foundation for learning in the areas of physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development.

And the town says the kids’ space will have a strong emphasis on local history and culture.

“Our recreation and cultural programming play a significant role in meeting children’s fitness and leisure needs and aid in healthy childhood development,” said Easton. “We are so grateful for the Wise Guys Charity for choosing to invest in this education space for children. Making these connections is important in sustaining a happy, healthy and prosperous community.”

Pachereva said his group, which is locally renowned for its charitable donations, believes “in the importance of children having a solid foundation at a young age, and knowing this is no-cost access to play-based learning for Niagara families is outstanding and, we can’t wait to watch it grow.”

Town’s CAO Michael Kirkopoulos said the financial commitment from the Wise Guys Charity will further “the importance of community partnerships and the dedication to the quality of life of our residents. This investment not only creates the children’s education space, but it’s also investing in the well-being of our future, our children.”

The completed project is still a ways off as the town will start community consultation on the design a few months from now but the kids space won’t be completed until the end of Spring 2024.

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