Very Important Tips For Road Safety As Days Get Shorter in Mississauga

Published November 2, 2017 at 9:57 pm


Daylight is disappearing by the day, Mississauga!

If there’s something we can all agree on, it’s that it’s harder to see at night. So, fewer daylight hours means less visibility at night, dawn, and dusk. 

As the weather gets colder and days get shorter – Daylight Savings is this weekend! – the Region of Peel is reminding both pedestrians and drivers to be careful on our roads.

In fact, according to Peel Regional Police, “the number of pedestrians involved in a motor vehicle accident on regional roads nearly doubles in November and December, compared to the average for the rest of the year.”

That’s a worrisome fact, but the Region of Peel has released some pointers to keep in mind at this time of year while walking and driving. 

“Considering these statistics, it’s important that we are more aware of our surroundings and avoid distractions when walking and driving”, says Joe Avsec, Traffic Engineering Manager at the Region of Peel. “As daylight hours decrease and winter weather approaches, it’s our responsibility to act safely on the roadways to help reduce the number of pedestrian and motor vehicle accidents.

Hopefully, we can try and curb the damage by following these very imporant tips from the Region of Peel.

If you’re a pedestrian:

  • Only cross when you have right of way! Better yet, when it’s your turn to cross, wait for cars to stop and make eye contact with drivers so that they see you before you cross.
  • Wear reflective clothing or flashing lights when walking at night, dawn and dusk.
  • Avoid distractions like texting, cell phones and headphones when crossing the street.

If you’re a driver:

  • Always check for pedestrians at crosswalks before you make a turn.
  • Yield the right of way to pedestrians at:
    • crosswalks,
    • intersections with stop signs or traffic lights, and
    • crossovers identified with “Stop for pedestrians” signs.
  • Wait for pedestrians to cross the entire roadway at crossovers and school crossings.

If you think you know your stuff on pedestrian safety, check out this quiz – you can win a free pedestrian light if you’re one of the first 50 people to do it!

Stay safe, Mississauga.

For more safety tips, click here.

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