Top 5 Worst McDonald’s Locations in Mississauga

Published December 20, 2016 at 5:38 pm


If you want breakfast, lunch or dinner (or a very late night snack after a night of drinking), McDonald’s is always there to hit the spot.

A McGriddle for breakfast, a Big Mac for lunch or chicken nuggets after a night at the bar are just some of the reasons why McDonald’s is loved by so many. Their fries are full of salty goodness and even their coffee is pretty great! But not all restaurants are created equal and some McD’s locations offer a little less in terms of cleanliness and customer service.

Here are the top five worst McDonald’s in Sauga that need to step up their game.

5) 2965 Eglinton Ave. W (Eglinton and Winston Churchill)

 Even though this McD’s has two drive-thrus and special parking for customers waiting on their order, this location manages is always pretty swamped. I don’t mind going inside once in awhile to grab my food, but the service can be a little slow. I also find there is not enough staff in the afternoons to keep up with customer demand. However, a bonus is the staff will ask if you want your meal brought to your table instead of waiting, which is a nice gesture for a fast food joint.

4) 930 Derry Road E (Tomken and Derry)

This McDonald’s can be a hassle to visit, especially during rush hour traffic. The place is a decent size and has a modern design but what stops me from going here is the hectic area of the city it’s in. The drive-thru is usually busy and the line indoors doesn’t move fast enough. When I went recently, the staff was distracted and customers were waiting forever. On a positive note, even though this McD’s can be busy, it is one of the best spots out of this list to find parking, as it’s not in a plaza.

3) 377 Burnhamthorpe Road East  (Central Parkway E and Burnhamthorpe)

I hate driving through this cramped plaza, especially when I’m hangry for a Quarter Pounder. It’s always a busy spot with a lot of kids running around because of their Play Place. Even though they have six self-serve order screens inside, there’s still line-ups and not having a drive-thru doesn’t help. The resto is somewhat clean but when I went recently, their cleaning supplies were out in the open for everyone to see, which is a big no-no. Another negative quality is the washrooms are located downstairs, so they aren’t accessible for everyone.

 2) 601 Lakeshore Road East (Lakeshore and Cawthra)

If you haven’t been to this McDonald’s, the first thing you’ll probably notice is the awkward drive-thru. It’s located in the middle of the plaza parking lot and at busy times can create a lot of chaos.  The weirdly laid-out drive-thru can also be slow, so I would avoid grabbing a McChicken to go here. Inside, the McD’s is very spacious and clean. However, for such a busy spot, I would expect the service to be faster, as I find myself waiting awhile for even small orders like coffee.

 1) 670 Eglinton Ave. W (Mavis and Eglinton)

Okay, this McDonald’s is almost always hectic, as it is in a busy area of Mississauga. Driving through this plaza’s parking lot is frustrating, as SO many people are navigating through it. The restaurant is tiny for the amount of people who come through their doors and the drive-thru is very tight. This McDonald’s only has two self-serve order screens, which isn’t enough to reduce their wait times. Also, this location has limits to its menu, including no all-day breakfast (bummer) or the option to build your own burger. As a plus, this spot is usually tidy.

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