Top 5 Places To Kick Off Your Heels

Published April 18, 2012 at 4:46 am


So, you’ve just stepped off the Go or you’re mid-commute from work heading to dinner with the gang, pressed for time, stress of the day weighing you down and your feet are screaming for mercy after being subjected to 8 hours of fashionista torture in those cute David Dixons you picked up last week at Square One’s sidewalk sale.   Going home is not an option because by the time you get there, and go back out, you will be the last one hobbling in, unfashionably late, much to the chagrin of your friends.  What’s a gal to do?  A quick 15 minute respite at one of these great locations, all within a confident strut of our city’s commuting hubs, should offer some relief as you kick David off your feet and take a little breather.5. Kariya Park
Located across the street from Square One Shopping centre, this cute Japanese inspired garden is a treat for the feet and the soul, excuse the pun.  Grab a mango shake from Spring Rolls, which is en route to the park, sit back and enjoy watching  turtles sunbathe, fish swim and on most days,  one or more couples shooting engagement photos.   Steer clear of this park if you’re mending a broken heart!4. Port Credit Pier
If you find comfort in the sight and sound of water, this is the place to be. Second Cup and Starbucks, both close by, will equip you with a cup of joe while you relax on the pier and watch the boats come in. Just don’t try and dip your feet in unless you know of a shoe store that sells shoes in threes; that water scares me.3. Square One Shopping Centre
What this location lacks in serenity, it makes up for in utility. Great for all you multi-tasking women on the go.  In one stop you can grab a healthy shake, do your banking and take a load off on one the comfy chairs strewn around the mall.  And maybe buy another pair of sexy heels? I know, it’s a vicious cycle.2. Celebration Square
If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience an event at our city’s newest entertainment venue, you’re missing out. Our newly redesigned city centre has something to offer everyone.  But let’s stick to the issue at hand, take those shoes off and dip them in the fountain or seat yourself at a table and if you really must check your e-mail, there’s WiFi available.1. Home sweet Home
Ok, so if those locations just don’t do the trick, there’s always your Home.  Let’s face it, we live in the best city in the country, so regardless of where you are located in Mississauga, it makes #1 on my list.

Where else in Mississauga do you kick off your heels?


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