There have been 213 fewer break-and-enters this quarter in Mississauga and Brampton


Published September 2, 2023 at 3:55 pm

Theft and burglary remain concerns for residents of Mississauga and Brampton, but there is a bit of good news, as data from Peel Regional Police suggests a 27.4 per cent decline in these crimes.

In the first four months of the year (Jan. 1 – Apr. 30), there was a total of 778 reported cases which is approximately 25 or more break-and-enters per day.

Beginning on May. 1 to Jun. 1, there were 196 incidents related to breaking and entering.

In the subsequent months, from Jun. 2 to Jul. 3, this number rose to 212.

However, as of Jul. 4 up to Aug. 31 reported break-ins decreased, with only 157 incidents recorded.

Here is a map of where the incidents took place:

During these months ( May. 1 to Aug. 31), Peel police data highlights that a combined 565 break and enters allegedly took place across both cities — 301 in Mississauga and 264 in Brampton.

The top 5 common hotspots for these break and enter incidents to occur are:

  • Dundas St
  • Kennedy Rd
  • Lakeshore Rd
  • Queen St
  • Rutherford Dr

As little as 94 of these incidents are considered successfully solved, while 99 are left unsolved and a whopping 372 are still being investigated.

The data further lists the following places that were targeted: 186 houses, 25 apartments, 31 residential garages or sheds, one factory, 28 stores, 39 restaurants, 18 construction sites, 16 school, one gas station, one pharmacy, five offices, 51 were simply listed as “other” and 163 were “unidentified” businesses.

Peel Police say some properties are more likely to be broken into such as corner lots, homes that back onto parks and other open spaces, and homes that do not appear to be maintained or “lived in.”

“Residential break-ins are typically crimes of opportunity,” Peel Police say. “Burglars usually target certain property based on characteristics that will increase their chances of breaking-in without getting caught.”

Residents are advised to maintain a safe home and prevent break-ins by following these tips:

  • Keep shrubs and hedges around your property maintained to allow for clear lines of sight to all accessible windows and doors.
  • Ensure garage and screen doors are locked, even while at home.
  • Get to know your neighbours and look out for each other’s properties.
  • Consider installing a second locking device for windows and any sliding doors.
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