Sheridan College Gets $1.2M in Funding

Published February 6, 2018 at 5:27 pm


Projects across Ontario connecting college students with businesses to tackle research and development (R&D) challenges are being bolstered via funding from the province.

That includes Sheridan College, which is receiving more than $1.2 million for three projects.

Minister of Research, Innovation and Science Reza Moridi was at Sheridan’s Trafalgar campus in Oakville on Tuesday to announce the 61 projects across 22 colleges receiving funding through the Colleges Applied Research and Development Fund (CARDF).

“Our province needs talent to continue to sustain its growing innovation eco-system,” said Moridi.

“Investing in applied research and development is a step towards a brighter and more prosperous future for our province. By bringing together colleges and the R&D sector, we’re creating opportunities for our students and ensuring they are ready for the jobs of tomorrow.”

The three initiatives at Sheridan include:

Virtual Human Characters – An Interdisciplinary Approach — develops computer-generated characters with human-like qualities that can communicate in real-time using natural human facial expressions, speech and gestures. Virtual humans can be used for training and simulation, and health care education and treatment as virtual patients and caregivers. Students will collaborate with leading external researchers in deep machine learning.

Rapid Engagement Innovation Network (REIN) — supports regional innovation by engaging small and medium-sized enterprises to solve technology development challenges and adoption across multiple sectors, while preparing students for Ontario’s growing tech-based economy.

Simulation and Optimization of Airflow Channels and Equipment Layout in Beverage Coolers — seeks to optimize the design of a leading refrigeration manufacturer’s new modular industrial beverage cooling unit, by increasing the thermodynamic efficiency of the cooling deck cycle and reducing power consumption in the refrigeration system. Students will collaborate with industry partners to attain solutions as vital members of the project team.

Funding will also help launch innovative new products and services, according to the province.

“This is a tremendous investment into real-world research at colleges that drives innovation and economic growth,” said Colleges Ontario president and CEO Linda Franklin.

“Working in partnership with colleges, small businesses across Ontario will develop new products and services that can be sold throughout the world.”

This program is part of Ontario’s Business Growth Initiative, a five-year commitment of more than $650 million to grow the economy and create jobs by promoting an innovation-based economy, helping small companies scale-up and modernizing regulations for businesses.


  • Sheridan College is receiving more than $1.2 million for three projects through CARDF.
  • More than $13 million has been provided to 22 colleges across Ontario for applied R&D funding through CARDF.
  • CARDF was announced in January 2017 — an investment of $20 million over three years administered by the Ontario Centres of Excellence.
  • About 10,000 students each year work with more than 750 companies on research and development activities across Ontario.
  • Ontario’s colleges and universities offer more than 200 co-operative education programs in the information communications and technology fields.

(Source: Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science)

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