Peel wants to put a stop to seven day a week construction noise


Published May 27, 2021 at 9:21 pm


A flood of noise complaints from Peel residents has prompted Regional Council to call for the Province to repeal legislation enacted last spring that allows construction machinery to operate from six am to 10 pm, seven days a week, including holidays.

On April 7, 2020, the Province passed regulations that temporarily suspend construction related noise by-laws across Ontario, allowing construction on healthcare projects at “any time of the day or night” and set extended curfews of six in the morning to ten at night for all other projects.

The rationale from the Province was that the extended construction hours would allow for “expedited construction” on key healthcare facilities, such as hospital expansions, and give construction companies the flexibility take proper Covid-related precautions.

Mississauga Ward 7 Councillor Dipika Damerla said companies having been taking advantage of the new rules to the detriment of residents, noting that “with seven day a week construction there has been a lot of complaints.”
Mississauga Ward 4 Councillor agreed, saying he “feels for my residents.”

“It’s like (the Province) doesn’t really care about a city’s noise by-laws – we’re going to trump that.”

The motion (approved unanimously) requests Queen’s Park repeals the legislation and allow municipalities to revert back to the by-law that existed before Covid: construction six days a week, starting at seven am.

The provincial legislation is set to expire this October.

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