Ontario child dies with, but not from, COVID-19, officials say

Published June 23, 2020 at 7:11 pm


TORONTO — Ontario has recorded the first death of a child with COVID-19, though officials say it does not appear to be the cause.

Toronto Public Health says a child under the age of 10 died with the disease, but not as a result of it.

Health Minister Christine Elliott couldn’t comment on the specific case, but said in some situations pre-existing conditions may be the cause of death rather than COVID-19.

Ontario’s chief coroner says that if a reportable disease is found as part of a coroner’s investigation into a death, then public health officials are alerted so that others who have come in contact with the person can be notified.

Provincewide, Ontario reported 216 new cases of COVID-19 today, and 10 more deaths.

It’s the highest number of daily new cases in 10 days, but Elliott says it’s too early to draw any conclusions.

Today’s new cases bring the provincial total to 33,853 — an increase of 0.6 per cent over the previous day — including 2,619 deaths and 29,107 resolved cases.

There were 174 more resolved cases today than the previous day, breaking a consistent trend of resolved cases growing more quickly than active ones.

Today also marks the lowest number of completed tests in two weeks, with 16,189.

The number of people in hospital with COVID-19 grew from 265 to 288, while the number of people in intensive care and on ventilators dropped. All three categories are at much lower levels than at the beginning of the month.

Regionally, half of the new cases came from Toronto and Peel, the areas set to move into Stage 2 on Wednesday. Windsor-Essex, the only region to remain in Stage 1, reported 32 new cases.

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