Mississauga Wants to Shut Down the Airbnb Party House


Published May 9, 2016 at 1:27 am


The quiet neighbourhood of Meadowvale has been living with a noisy invader — a wild and hopping Airbnb party house. 

According to a recent article in the Mississauga News, an Airbnb rental property is making life miserable for some residents and Councillor Sue McFadden is determined to shut it down. The exasperated councillor told The News, “I will absolutely drive them crazy with police, bylaw and parking enforcement.” 

The house, located at 6323 Snowflake Lane, is situated in a quaint residential area between Ninth and Tenth Line. McFadden told the newspaper that, for the past three months, the house has been a haven for raucous partiers. Brimming with rambunctious pot smoking revelers who throw their alcohol bottles around willy-nilly, the house is apparently causing some sleepless Friday and Saturday nights for nearby residents. 

Much to McFadden’s dismay, the homeowners appear unconcerned. The News reports that, when McFadden went to confront them, they didn’t answer the door. 

The News also reports that, in terms of Airbnb, McFadden isn’t alone in dealing with headaches related to the popular rental website. Councillor Karen Ras has fielded complaints from Lorne Park residents and Douglas Meehan, the city’s manager of compliance and licensing, told The News that there have been five complaints about Airbnb properties. 

While there isn’t too much the city — or the residents — can do right now outside of reporting the homeowners to the appropriate authorities for extreme noisiness and other bylaw infractions, it looks like council is working to find new ways to tackle the issue. McFadden plans to hold a meeting this month to discuss potentially pursuing legal action against the homeowners. A report on the issues, produced by Meehan and his department, should also come out at some point. 

While Airbnb has been a godsend for travelers and vacationers looking for more affordable accommodations, it — like any other service that rents out space to strangers — has attracted some irresponsible tenants. 

Back in April, Toronto Life published a personal essay by a Toronto woman who had her home trashed by a tenant who actually hired a DJ — HIRED A DJ! — to spin in her living room. One of the uninvited guests even thought it appropriate to take a shower and wash their sweaty locks with a bottle of Playboy shampoo (that they graciously left behind, to be fair). The damage totaled more than $35,000. 

A few newsworthy — and terrifying — stories shouldn’t take away from all the good Airbnb does. It’s an incredible moneymaker and money saver for those who need it. That said, it looks like negligent homeowners and reckless tenants have the power to not only damage a homeowner’s property, but throw off an entire street’s equilibrium. 

So, Mississauga, what do you think? Should the city work towards passing new legislation to deal with neglected or ill-maintained Airbnb properties? Have you had a bad experience with a nearby house or apartment? Are you one of the partier’s that’s making life difficult for McFadden? If so, please keep it down and recycle your bottles and cans. 

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