Mississauga Named Third Most Expensive City in Canada


Published March 30, 2017 at 4:34 pm


While everyone knows that Mississauga can be an expensive place to live, some people might be surprised to hear that Expatistan, a website that compares cost of living expenses across international cities, identified Mississauga as the third most expensive city in Canada (based on data quality).

As one might expect, the most expensive city in the country is Toronto. It’s followed by Vancouver and, surprisingly, Mississauga.

Other cities that cost less than Mississauga that might surprise you?

Ottawa, Montreal, Calgary and Edmonton.

You can see the rundown, courtesy of Expatistan, here:

While most people are aware that house prices in the GTA are the highest they’ve ever been (and they show no signs of dropping), Expatistan ranks a city based on a number of factors, including food, clothing, transportation, housing, personal care and entertainment. As for how Expatistan gets its data, it invites residents to input prices of essential goods. While there are some discrepancies (not everyone pays the same for apples if they’re shopping in different places, for example), the site works to provide an average that’s generally accurate.

According to Expatistan, Mississauga residents pay $16 for a basic lunch, $10 for a combo meal at a fast food restaurant and $60 or more per grocery shop. The site also points out that rental rates range from $1,170 to $2,526 (this, of course, depends on neighbourhood and apartment type). The site pegs average utilities at $215 a month and internet costs at $62 a month.

As far as clothing goes, the site points out that people can expect to spend about $64 on a pair of jeans, $54 on a summer dress from a mid-range store and up to $100 on a pair of athletic shoes.

In terms of entertainment, a basic pub dinner for two typically costs $46, while two movie tickets tend to run consumers about $28. A cocktail can cost up to $11 and a capuccino can be priced at around $6.

So, there you have it–Mississauga appears to be one of the most expensive cities in the country. That fact isn’t surprising given its proximity to Toronto, but it does make one wonder how the city will look as the cost of living continues to rise.

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