Mississauga Mayoral Candidate: Scott Chapman

Published August 28, 2014 at 10:40 am


During the mayoral campaign, insauga.com will sit down with all the candidates that choose to do so.  

For the first time in over three decades, Mississauga is set to experience a truly unpredictable mayoral race. Hazel McCallion, who has been mayor since 1978, has decided to pass her long-held municipal torch onto someone else, and the race is just starting to heat up. Today we chat with 24 year old and the first person that signed up to become a mayor Scott Chapman. 
Have you ever been involved in politics before?  

What’s your platform?  

I will fight to get the funding for the Hurontario Light Rail Transit from the province. Also, there are roadways in need of expansion, including McLaughlin, Winston Churchill and Derry that I will work to get improved. 

Our public schools need to be expanded and more accommodating of new technologies. One of the things I valued about Mississauga is our school system, and I think a family-friendly city like Mississauga needs to have outstanding schools. 

Unlike most candidates, I’m willing to admit that I’m going to increase the debt to make the improvements necessary for Mississauga. That being said, I will also work to reduce redundancies within the budget.

What are the top three issues you’d want to address if you were elected mayor?

The continued maintenance and improvement of our roadways and transit infrastructure. Improve our public schools to better fit our students and prepare them for the constantly evolving world. Try to improve upon the budget where I can.
Why are those issues most important to you? 

Transportation is the circulatory system of our city, and I believe anything that can be done to improve it should be done. As long as we rely on our roadways the way we do, they should always be one of Mississauga’s top priorities. 

I think we all want our kids to be well educated and properly prepared for the workforce. Mississauga’s schools should prepare kids for the jobs available now. 

Money is an important thing in our society. We need to make sure it’s not wasted, and instead spent on things that matter.
What major challenges lie ahead for the city, and how would you address them as mayor?

One of the major challenges facing every city right now is climate change. We need to look at what we can do now to prevent problems, rather than trying to fix the problems as they come along.
How would you set yourself apart from Hazel?   

Tough question. I’m a fan of what Hazel has done; it’s why I love my city. I would prefer to be seen as just as good as Hazel.

Interview was from April 2014 

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