Mississauga is being overwhelmed with rabbits


Published April 11, 2022 at 1:09 pm

rabbit Mississauga

Mississauga Animal Services reports a large uptake in the number of rabbits being abandoned or dropped off at the City shelter.

While there is no official count, the City says this is most number of rabbits that have been taken in by Animal Services.

Reports say the increase is largely due to the number of domestic rabbits that were adopted during the pandemic as people looked to pets for comfort. More are expected to be dropped off because the animals are often given away as gifts during Easter.

However, many didn’t anticipate the care necessary to keep such a pet and now have been looking to unload them.

“There is a lot of time, space and money that must be invested in having a rabbit as a pet,” reads a statement released by Animal Services. “Rabbits live longer than many people expect, around 10 to 12 years. They are intelligent and social pets, and can be amazing for the right home. They make great pets for older children and adults.”

Here are a few things to consider about pet rabbits according to Animal Control:

  • Are social animals. They need space to relax, but shouldn’t be secluded from the family.
  • Require a specialized diet, daily care, supervised exercise, pen cleaning and socialization.
  • Should be spayed or neutered to prevent related health and behavioural issues.
  • Often don’t like to be picked up or cuddled.
  • Can be costly to own. Be prepared for an adoption fee, housing, food and rabbit-proofing supplies.
  • Are curious animals and can get into trouble chewing on things or digging around the house.
  • Can be litter trained.
  • The City has many rabbits up for adoption at Animal Services who are waiting patiently for a loving family to give them a forever home.
  • If you want to learn more about rabbits, please contact Animal Services at 905-896-5858 or visit mississauga.ca/animalservices.

If you do want a rabbit, the City suggests dropping by Animal Services to adopt one.

As well, if you have a domestic rabbit, be aware that survival rates are low if you release it outdoors as it does not have the survival skills of wild rabbits and unlikely won’t survive, according to Animal Services.


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