Mississauga Board of Trade calls for Canada-wide proof of vaccination plan


Published July 20, 2021 at 8:01 pm


The Mississauga Board of Trade (MBOT) is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to implement a nation-wide proof of immunization program.

So far the prime minister has rejected such measures saying it is up to individual provinces to adopt vaccine passports or similar type programs. Ontario Premier Doug Ford has rejected the notion.

Still, MBOT argues that such a program is necessary to confirm vaccination status for Canadians for international and domestic use.

“Without inter-provincial harmonization, Canada risks a piecemeal approach, making life more difficult and unpredictable for individuals and employers during an already uncertain time,” writes David Wojcik, president and chief executive officer of MBOT in a letter to Trudeau.

Baring federal help, MBOT is also turning to Queen’s Park for help and asks the Province to reconsider its stance.

It wants Ontario to consider the model introduced in Manitoba where proof of immunization cards have been met with a favourable public response.

MBOT goes on to say a co-ordinated approach is preferable to avoid creating levels of red tape that could prevent re-opening.

“Existing re-opening privileges should be maintained under Ontario’s Roadmap to Re-open, while providing an option for expanded benefits for individuals who are fully vaccinated,” Wojcik states.

MBOT is also asking senior levels of government, in their ongoing management of the pandemic, to consider alternative methods of addressing the possibility of future outbreaks, while avoiding the economic damage of locking down the province as a whole.

“For instance, if case counts rise in a particular region, a new framework could specify measures to reduce individual contacts and outline capacity restrictions for public-facing businesses in that region,” continues Wojcik. “This framework must be science-based and informed by public health officials. In addition, reopening guidelines should be applied fairly and consistently to all businesses regardless of sector or establishment size.”


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