Masks will continue to be worn in Mississauga, Brampton post-pandemic


Published July 30, 2021 at 7:24 pm


Mississauga and Brampton will remain masked up for some time as Premier Doug Ford determines how Ontario can safely emerge from the pandemic in the weeks ahead.

Although Ontario can move out of its “exist step” in the “Roadmap to Re-opening” as early as August 6, the Province says we are not yet ready to move into the next phase where we return to pre-pandemic mode.

“We’re going to hit our targets first and we aren’t going to set a certain date of August 6,” Premier Ford told reporters on Friday hinting that targets should be met soon meaning that a broad re-opening could happen “in a couple of weeks, maybe sooner.”

The premier is correct about targets being met soon.

The Province has indicated 80 per cent of residents aged 12 and older must have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. That has been achieved.

As well, 75 per cent of the people aged 12 and older must have received their second dose. We currently stand at 70 per cent.

The final factor is that all health jurisdictions in Ontario must have 70 per cent of eligible people fully vaccinated. Provincial indicators also say that number is close to being achieved.

But what we will see when the targets are achieved is not entirely clear.

As mentioned, use of face masks in various social settings will continue mostly because of the continued prevalence of the Delta strain of the virus in Ontario.

However, as part of the “exist step” it is believed that many restrictions currently in place will fall away such as those for gatherings in both indoor and outdoor situations. This means we could see the full return of concerts, sporting events, movie theatres, church services, weddings, funerals and anything else where large groups gather.

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