Maple Leaf Foods CEO speaks out about plane shot down in Iran


Published January 14, 2020 at 12:58 am


On Sunday evening, CEO of Maple Leaf Foods (MLF), Michael McCain, took to Twitter to air his feelings regarding Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, the plane that was shot down over Tehran, Iran.

The plane, which was shot down by the Iranian military, had 176 passengers on board–63 of whom were Canadian. Unfortunately, all of them died in the crash.

According to McCain, two of the passengers were one of his coworkers’ wife, and 11-year-old son.

“I am very angry, and time isn’t making me less angry. An MLF colleague of mine lost his wife and family this week to a needless, irresponsible series of events in Iran,” McCain tweeted.

McCain went on to condemn the U.S.’s involvement–the plane was struck by missiles fired by the Iranian military on Iraqi military bases housing U.S. troops in response to a drone strike by the U.S. that killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani.

McCain claimed the U.S. strike that provoked the Iranian attack was redundant due to the fact there are other leaders similar to Soleimani waiting to succeed him. “Taking out despicable military leader terrorist? There are a hundred like him, standing next in line,” he tweeted.

Responses on Twitter have been split, as many have voiced their support for McCain and his sentiments.

However, others have accused him of supporting Iran’s “dictatorship,” and have threatened to boycott MLF by refusing to continue to purchase its products.

Cover photo courtesy of Maple Leaf Foods’ website

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