Here are the 5 Most Common New Year’s Resolutions in Mississauga

Published December 28, 2018 at 3:35 pm


Whether you’re happy about or not, 2018 is coming to an end and 2019 is almost here. And that means it’s time to start thinking about those New Year’s resolutions (even if they’re only going to last until February). 

New Year’s is the perfect time to make changes in your life. Come Jan. 1, 2019 you have a fresh start, a clean slate, and you can leave old and bad habits in 2018.

Some New Year’s resolutions are more common than others. With that being said, here are the top five most common New Year’s resolutions that you’ll probably be hearing about once 2019 hits.

5. Quit Smoking

Most people will agree that smoking is a bad habit, so it’s no wonder that it appears on many people’s new year’s resolutions list. 

“The minute you stop smoking, your body will begin cleansing itself of tobacco toxins,” according to the government of Canada website.

“Two days after you quit, your risk of heart attack will start decreasing.” 

Quitting smoking, however, like many bad habits, is easier said than done.

For tips and tricks on quitting, visit the Smokers’ Helpline here.  

4. Spend More Time With Family and Friends 

During the holiday season, we tend to see our family and friends more often than normal so it’s only fitting that we want to carry that trend into the New Year. 

Although, this can also be sometimes easier said than done. Everyone has busy schedules nowadays and it can be hard to fit in everything you want to do.

To ensure you stick to this resolution, make firm plans ahead of time that way you’re committed to seeing your loved ones and have something to look forward to.

3. Travel

Raise your hand if you’ve ever thought about spontaneously quitting your job and spending the rest of your life travelling (slowly raises hand). As idealistic as this may sound, it sadly is not realistic for most people.

Regardless, travelling is definitely an attainable goal to work towards in 2019. Like spending more time with family and friends, it will take some planning, organizing, and budgeting. 

If going to your dream destination (Thailand, anyone?) isn’t possible for you in 2019, fear not because that doesn’t mean you have to skip out on travelling for the year. Some of the best vacations, or staycations rather, can take place right in your hometown. And while you’re enjoying a relaxing staycation, you can simultaneously be saving for your dream vacation down the road.

2. Save Money and Spend Less

If you’ve been dreading the idea of checking your bank account after the holiday season officially ends, you’re not alone. 

The new year, while very exciting, can often be very stressful for a lot of people. It is quite common to overspend during the holiday season (guilty) in the midst of wanting to find the perfect gift for that special someone, wanting to treat yourself, and all of the other financial aspects that seem to come with the season.

So, the fact that saving money and spending less is a common resolution for many shouldn’t come as a shock. A few tips that will help you save and spend less money include tracking everything you make and everything you spend so you can see exactly how much you’re bringing in and how much is going out. Once you have this figured out, adjust accordingly.  

Also, try implementing the ‘cash only’ technique. By only using cash, instead of subconsciously swiping a card, for every purchase you make you will visually see your money leaving your pocket instead of it showing up on a bank statement later (out of sight, out of mind).

1. Exercise More and/or Lose Weight 

Alas, we’ve reached the most common New Year’s resolution – exercising more and/or losing weight. 

This, however, is another resolution that is hard to maintain because, let’s face it, most areas around the world right now are in the dead of winter. It’s cold, it gets dark earlier, and you still have a mound of holiday chocolate that is just waiting to get eaten.

Long story short, it’s hard to stay motivated. In order to stay on track, it’s important to find out what works best for you and, like all resolutions, to be realistic. How often do you want to work out, will your current schedule allow for this, how can you adjust your schedule to find more time, how much weight do you want to lose, when do you want to lose it by, etc.? If you’re determined to get in better shape this year, set a realistic goal (it’s okay if you don’t lose 50 pounds in time for your March Break trip to Florida) and stick to it. Be proud of what you do achieve, and don’t burn yourself out by crash dieting or spending more time the gym than you can reasonably justify (or spending more on boutique fitness classes than you can afford). 

What are some of your new year’s resolutions?

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