Get second dose as soon as you can Brampton, Mississauga residents urged


Published June 16, 2021 at 5:13 pm


If residents of Brampton and Mississauga want to avoid a Delta-variant fueled fourth wave, Dr. David Lawrence has a simple message.

“First, don’t get COVID. Second, get vaccinated with two doses.”

Loh, Peel’s Medical Officer of Health, continued to urge vigilance at Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown’s news conference Wednesday morning.

“I know many felt a certain optimism following the updated models that were released by the Ontario Science Table, which showed that a fourth wave resurgence would be unlikely in Peel and Ontario. But I urge everyone to read the fine print.

“The model was very clear that, in order to prevent a resurgence, we need to keep transmission low and we need to continue to vaccinate steadily. This means that the continued reopening is, ultimately, in all of our hands.”

Loh wants residents to follow the guidelines set out in the provincial reopening plan.

“Keep gatherings small. Until we get to widespread two-dose coverage, please avoid large crowds and packed, in-person social calendars.”

He also addressed the difficulty some people have had booking a second dose following eligibility expansion on Monday.

“Some people may have tried to book a second appointment without success. Demand for the second dose is high. And for that I thank all of our residents. I know this may have been frustrating, but I urge you to try again. We have been rebuilding capacity that was reduced at the end of the hotspot strategy in May and our capacity is growing, with appointments being released throughout the week.”

Loh said the primary concern for people should be to get a second dose, even if it’s different than the first. He said the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA are similar enough that they’re interchangeable and those who received a first dose of AstraZeneca can choose from among all three options for their second dose.

“The best protection you can get from a second dose is the one you can get soonest.”

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