Ford Government Unveils New Ontario Licence Plates


Published April 11, 2019 at 9:50 pm


It’s no secret that the current government has recently been pushing to revamp Ontario’s “brand” — and part of that rebranding will include rolling out new licence plates.

As part of the 2019 Ontario budget released today (Thursday, April 11), the government unveiled what the new plates will look like.

“This new shared brand will be encapsulated in a new shared visual identity rooted in the modernized Ontario Trillium Logo,” the report says. “The logo is accompanied by a clear and succinct articulation of a simple unifying principle: that the Ontario government is ‘Working for You.'”

The plates feature the newer version of the Ontario trillium and the province’s new tagline: “A Place to Grow.”

According to the report, the tagline (replacing “Yours to Discover”) speaks to Ontario’s “welcoming and inclusive culture along with the government’s people-focused mandate.”

The government says it intends to deliver the province’s new visual identity across the entire public sector while prohibiting the spending of taxpayer dollars on new logos or other visual identifiers going forward.

“Since 2011, the ministries and agencies of the Ontario government wasted more than $2 million on visual identity work that only served to fragment the Ontario government’s brand and confuse the public about what it stands for,” the government report says.

So when can we expect to start seeing these new plates?

The province plans to begin issuing the new licence plates and new driver’s licences after the current stocks of these items have been depleted.

What do you think of the new look?

Licence plate image via

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