Flood Warning Issued For Brampton

Published February 22, 2019 at 9:45 pm

The incoming weather conditions across southern Ontario look to cause some major, water-related problems.

The incoming weather conditions across southern Ontario look to cause some major, water-related problems.

Credit Valley Conservation issued a watershed conditions statement, in relation to the weekend forecasts, detailing forecasted rainfall and melting snow packs may cause newly formed river ice jams grounded along the Credit River at Ferndale Park, Mill Dam and Meadowvale Park to break up.

The current forecasted rainfall ranges from 10-20 mm over the weekend with an additional 5-10 mm of rain possible overnight Saturday into Sunday morning. Sunday will see sustained winds up to 65 km/h from the west-southwest are forecasted with gusts exceeding 100km/h.

This would also allow the grounded ice jams to potentially overtop the Barber Mill Dam, which has 1.5 km of ice backed up, inevitably sending ice downstream.

In addition, as temperatures increase, the ice also loses strength, which could potentially create a scenario where existing grounded ice jams shift or collapse under its own weight.

Any type of movement creates instability in the ice jam, which could prove critical if movement occurs near the front of the jam where only a few pieces of ice hold back the entire mass.

Credit Valley Conservation reports that all watercourses in their area are currently experiencing higher than normal water levels, which may result in local streams and rivers becoming dangerous in areas containing bridges and dams.

Children are being warned to stay away from all watercourses, and residents should stay updated with regular warnings from responders.  

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