7 flights enter Mississauga this week with COVID-19 at Pearson International Airport

Published August 4, 2021 at 9:05 pm


Twelve more flights recently landed with COVID-19 cases at Pearson Airport in Mississauga, seven of which landed.

Half of the flights were within Canada, and arrived at or departed the airport from July 30 to August 2.

The other six flights were international, and all but one landed at the airport.

At least 63 rows were affected across all 12 flights, with some flights reporting unknown rows.

Despite the loosening of rules for most international travelers arriving at Mississauga’s Pearson Airport, the direct flight ban from India has been extended for another month, this time until August 21.

According to the federal government, a row is considered affected if it’s three rows (two rows for business class) behind or in front of a row where a seated person is confirmed to have COVID-19 during a period when they may have been infectious.

“Unknown” rows may be reported if the row number for the person confirmed to have COVID-19 can’t be validated, or if a member of the crew is confirmed to have COVID-19.

Passengers who were sitting in the affected rows — or all passengers on the flight if rows aren’t specified — are advised to self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days and contact public health if they start showing symptoms of the virus.

Fully vaccinated Canadians returning to Mississauga’s Pearson Airport are no longer required to quarantine for two weeks.

All flight data is listed on the federal government’s website.

Photo courtesy of The Canadian Press

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