CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Peel Police Officer Disciplined for Incivility After Scuffle with Photographer


Published December 6, 2016 at 4:29 pm


The recent Hickory Drive house explosion in Mississauga caused some emotions to run high in the confusing immediate aftermath, but a post-incident scuffle between a photographer and police officer will not lead to any criminal charges.

According to a recent Hamilton Spectator article, Peel Regional Police officer Const. Tom Rodziewicz will not face criminal or Police Services Act charges related to an altercation he had with a photographer at the scene of the explosion.

That said, Peel police told The Spec that Const. Rodziewicz has received internal discipline for “incivility” following an Internal Affairs investigation.

“Constable Rodziewicz was counselled by his divisional Commander for the incivility displayed during his interaction with one of our members of the public as his reaction on the date in question is not how we as an organization envision officers interacting with any member of the public, regardless of the situation,” Sgt. Colley said in a statement, as reported by The Spec.

The video shows the officer pushing photographer Claudio Cugliari back with his body, demanding he leave the scene. Foul language is heard during the heated exchange.


“Although the video depicts Constable Rodziewicz applying force to the cameraman/videographer, upon consultation with the Peel Crown Attorney’s office it was determined that this application of force was justified given the officer’s intent to evacuate all individuals from the scene to both preserve the immediate area for further investigation, and due to the ongoing public safety concerns,” Sgt. Colley said, as reported by The Spec.

Cugliari told the news outlet he was surprised that Police Act charges were not laid.

The Hickory Drive explosion, which killed the two homeowners, is still under investigation.

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