Car Thefts Have Doubled In Mississauga

Published March 5, 2019 at 4:58 am


Most know the drill. Warm up the car in subzero temperatures, before you get going to your destination.

Residents are receiving fair warning, however, that leaving the warming car unattended for longer than necessary, may bring about consequences.

In a recent report, Peel police have indicated that the dubbed “warm up” thefts have seen a stark increase.

Eighty-eight of these thefts were recorded by 2016’s end, doubling to more than 189 in 2017. Peel police have reported that a majority of these warm up thefts occurred during December, January, and February.

This latter point was due to the suggestion that people prefer to wait a few minutes inside their warm homes for the car to warm up, rather than shiver in a cold vehicle during that time.

Should you need to run back to your house for a short period of time while your vehicle is idling, police have a number of suggestions, including keeping your keys with you (and, obviously, locking your doors) to parking in the garage to avoid having to warm up your vehicle longer than you normally would.

Police say that it is imperative to be careful while leaving your vehicle idling while it is warming up. The less time used to warm the vehicle, the lower the risk it is for one to become a warm up theft victim, and the better it is for the environment.

So it’s an incentive, two-in-one package to push through those few minutes of shivering in the vehicle, at the risk of contributing to warm up theft statistics.

If you need to run back into the house while your vehicle is idling, here are some safety tips to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of vehicle theft.

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