Brampton Doctor Facing Sexual Assault Allegations

Published January 23, 2018 at 10:23 pm

It’s been over two decades since a Brampton physician — and father, and grandfather to two celebrities — allegedly committed sexual assault.

It’s been over two decades since a Brampton physician — and father, and grandfather to two celebrities — allegedly committed sexual assault. Now, said doctor is facing a disciplinary hearing for his alleged actions.

Dr. Brian Christopher Thicke, father of late actor Alan Thicke and grandfather of musician Robin Thicke, will appear in front of a disciplinary panel, according to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

According to the College, in 1993 and 1995, on two separate occasions during medical appointments, the now 88-year-old doctor “engaged in the sexual abuse of Patient A and/or disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct, by touching her breasts in a sexual manner and/or by conducting an inappropriate and unnecessary breast examination.”

Multiple reports have confirmed that “Patient A” was Lisa Fruitman, who was seeking an aviation medical examination at the time. 

As the College has stated, a breast examination was unnecessary for Fruitman’s checkup.

This is not the first time Thicke is being investigated with regards to the alleged sexual assault — according to the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, in 1994 another woman reported Thicke for allegedly receiving an inappropriate breast exam. Further, some reports say that more women have come forward.

According to the Board, the College had decided not to bring the case to its discipline committee, but the matter came up again last year after Fruitman appealed to a medical regulator.

According to the College, Thicke’s primary location of practice has been at 28 Rambler Drive, Peel Village Medical Centre. He currently still has hospital privileges at Brampton Civic Hospital.

An official hearing date has not yet been confirmed.

Thicke has been practicing since 1956.

Photo courtesy of Alan Thicke Official on Facebook

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