
Published December 20, 2011 at 5:21 am


What the heck is up with the traffic insauga? We’re turning into Scarberia, NOOOOOO!

Fact #1: Once Hazel steps off the throne I guarantee some Mayor will tax us with more parking meters. 

Fact # 2: When you exit Winston Churchill Blvd (going North) off the 403, between the hours of 4:30 – 6pm regardless of the day, you will be idling on the ramp for a good 10 minutes.  If you want my advice, exit south instead, make a left on Unity Rd. and get back onto Winston Churchill.  Bada bing bada boom, I just saved your ass 8 minutes on your commute home.

Fact # 3: If you live north of the 403 along Mavis it will take you 10 minutes just to get past Eglington.  And if you time it, walking the same distance only takes 5 minutes (things that make you say “hmmmmmm”).  Have fun if you live north of Britannia on Mavis as well.  My advice to you is to just get out of your car and go shopping at Heartland.  You’ll save money on gas and if you need to make a pit stop after being stuck in all that traffic go to Winners or Home Sense.

Fact # 4: The new Hwy 10 exit off the QEW (westbound) just added another 10 minutes onto everyone’s commute home.  Serious, who was the civil engineer who planned out that piece of crap; this is one of those cases when “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Fact # 5: Half the cars in the Square One parking lot belong to those living in the condo’s in and around the mall.  If you live in a condo surrounding Square One and you still drive your car to get there, go get a life, just not the condo life.

Fact # 6: If you live along Creditview Rd, rush-hour or no rush-hour, northbound or southbound you’re hitting every single light from Burnhamthorpe to Derry Rd., and that includes that damn light at Price Chopper!  Word to the wise, drive the limit as this road has seen its share of cop stops.

Fact # 7: During Xmas if you take Centre View Dr. west towards Mavis and the 403, you best have an iPhone so you can surf the net.  Option B, just bud in since everyone else does.

Fact # 8: There has been construction along Britannia Rd between Hwy 10 and 9th line for 15 years. 

Fact # 9: If you have to take Eastgate to get to the 403 westbound after work, you are a sucker and I feel your pain.  The only remedy is to hop onto the HOV lanes and cruise it until you need to exit.  There ain’t no speed traps to stop you during rush hour.

Fact # 10: Oakvillian’s, Bramptonites, and Miltonian’s all have it 10 times worst.  Just another thing to be happy about living insauga.

Let us know your facts that can help out a fellow sauga commuter.

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