Benefit cheques that will be sent out to Canadians in January 2024


Published December 1, 2023 at 3:14 pm

benefit cheques canada january 2024

If you’re hoping to get a little extra money after the holiday season wraps up, you might be relieved to hear that some Canadians are eligible to receive some benefit cheques early in the new year. 

This coming January, Canadians who are eligible for a number of benefits (such as the CPP, Canada Child Benefit, Ontario Trillium Benefit and others) will receive cheques in the mail on the following dates:

Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security

The Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security cheques are sent out monthly and eligible Canadians will receive a cheque for the CPP and OAG on Jan. 29. 

Cheques will follow monthly throughout the year. 

Canada Child Benefit

The Canada Child Benefit is a monthly benefit administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that’s available to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. The CCB may include the child disability benefit and related provincial and territorial programs.

Eligible families will receive their CCB on Jan. 19. 

The Ontario Trillium Benefit

The Ontario Trillium Benefit includes the Ontario energy and property tax credit, the Northern Ontario energy credit and the Ontario sales tax credit. It also comes out monthly and eligible recipients should expect their first cheque of 2024 to arrive on Jan. 10. 

GST/HST credit and Climate Action Incentive Payment

Other benefits, such as the GST/HST credit and the climate action incentive payment credit come out quarterly, but on different days. The climate action incentive is essentially the taxpayers’ carbon tax refund. The climate incentive payment will come out on Jan. 15 and eligible Canadians will receive their GST/HST refund on Jan. 5. 

Advanced Canada Workers Benefit

This benefit provides support to lower-income households. Those who are eligible for the cheque will receive one on Jan. 12, 2024. 

These cheques can all be cashed at any bank in Canada. Some financial institutions also allow cheques to be cashed using online apps. 

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