Asian-Style Night Market Coming to Mississauga


Published February 2, 2015 at 5:23 am


Although summer is far away, it’s good to anticipate it to stave off depression during frigid ice storms — and this summer, Mississauga locals have something distinctly urban to look forward to. 

Toronto, our vibrant eastern neighbour, is home to the annual T&T Waterfront Night Market organized by Night Market Canada — a three night pop-up market packed with popular Asian street food and merchandise that attracted 70 000 people. 

It’s a fun cultural celebration, one that brings an authentic Asian night market to the new world while also managing to include and celebrate other cultures (and the city’s inherent diversity) simultaneously. In a city as multi-cultural as Toronto, it’s not surprising that the night market draws crowds. 

But why should Toronto have all the fun? 

This year, the Mississauga Waterfront Festival (MWF) is presenting the first ever Mississauga Waterfront Night Market in Port Credit. It’ll be a chance for this city’s incredibly diverse community to enjoy a colourful, tasty and authentic night market closer to home — and it’s something a little off the beaten path for Mississauga. 

“We wanted something different and we wanted to do something that has never been done before in Mississauga,” says Khaled Iwamura, a representative of the Mississauga Waterfront Festival. “And with the popularity of the T&T Waterfront Night Market this was a perfect fit. And who doesn’t love food!” 

The details are still being fleshed out — and more vendors will be announced over the next few months — but here’s what Linh Quang, the executive director of the Night Market Canada Cultural Organization, has to say about Mississauga’s future inaugural summer extravaganza. 

When will this event take place?

June 12-14 2015.

What can visitors expect?
Visitors can expect a unique mix of Asian themed “street food” along with other ethnic types of finger foods. We’ll have some traditional crowd favourites such as different types of BBQ meat skewers, fried oysters, fried tofu and Takoyaki (octopus) balls, to name a few. [It will also offer] a blend of cultural flavours that will surely get your taste buds salivating for more. It’s a sneak peak into Asian cultural cuisine.      

How will this be similar to the T&T Night Market in Toronto?
We’ll be bringing in the night market audience, along with their love and enthusiasm for food.  

Is this strictly an Asian night market themed event?
It will be Asian themed, however we do have other ethnic food integrated into the night market to cater to the diverse crowd that comes out to the event.  

Is T&T associated with the Mississauga Waterfront Night Market as well?
No they are not.  

When can we expect more info, such as a website?
MWF is working on updating the website to include the Night Market Feature. 

How much will it cost?
It is a free event, but bring cash and lots of it [to purchase food]! I believe there will be ATM machines on site or near by.  

Here are some shots from past night markets and some of the food you might find:


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