April Was the Snowiest Month in Mississauga


Published April 14, 2016 at 2:54 am


April isn’t even halfway over and it’s already the snowiest month of the year. 

According to a report from the Weather Network, the Toronto Pearson (and Pearson is technically in Mississauga!) Snow Totals showed a whopping 20.3 centimeters of snow fell this April alone. This number is surprisingly large in comparison to the amounts recorded from January to March, and especially compared to the meager 3.2 cm that fell in December. 

“While we have had snowier Aprils, there was always a winter month that brought more snow than April,” said Dr. Doug Gillham of the Weather Network. “So, while April 2016 has been much snowier than normal, this record was also made possible by the lack of snow during the true winter season.” 

The last time April got an unusually high amount of snow was back in 1979, with a grand total of 25.8 cm. So while this April isn’t the snowiest we’ve ever had, it’s certainly the first time April has been our most wintery month. 

Of course, in the strange winter wonderland we call Canada, unexpected snowfall isn’t always very… unexpected. Still, it’s rather unprecedented for a spring month to yield more than six times the amount of snow we got in December. 

Those who aren’t fond of the cold and snow can breathe a sigh of relief, as forecasters predict the winter season is finally starting to die down. Ontario is expected to warm up this weekend with a possibility for temperatures to reach the mid-teens. In fact, Mississauga — and Ontario in general — is set to experience one of the nicest weekends yet this year

So go outside and experience a snow-free Sauga this weekend. 

We’ve all earned it!


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