5 Strange Things Witnessed in Mississauga Over the Summer

Published September 21, 2015 at 4:13 pm


I spent the summer walking the mean streets of Sauga, taking keen note of the most bizarre things I witnessed over the balmy summer months. 

As such, find the top five strange things I witnessed in Mississauga this summer.  

5. Man Washing His Armpits in the Sink at Square One:

It’s hot outside in the summer and there were a few days where temperatures hit 40 degrees with humidity.  When it’s a little warm out, we all like to freshen up at home with a shower after a long day. Well, one man realized he could not wait until then and decided to wash his arm pits in the sink at Square One. That’s right — I witnessed a shirtless man scrub his armpits while the rest of us watched in stunned disbelief.

4. Bizarre Man Swimming From Port Credit to the Ship:

Early this summer, I watched a man jump in the harbor with a wet suit on, do a front crawl over to the ship, touch it and return back to shore. It was too early in the morning for him to be drinking and when he got out, I noticed he had a Go Pro on his head. He mumbled something in Mandarin into the camera and vomited on the ground. A strange scene, to say the least. 

3. KO on the Basketball Court:

 I am pretty much the best basketball player in Mississauga. However, being an ace on the court is not a prerequisite for playing ball in the city. While playing basketball at Mississauga Valley, I saw two guys playing one on one who were obviously new to the sport.  As one drove the lane, the other put his head down and they collided and knocked each other out cold. The meat wagon showed up and took them to Credit Valley so they could get patched up after their little head-on collision. 

2. Brawl at Erindale Station:

I was coming home from the office on the Go Train and as I got off at Erindale, I noticed a large amount of what appeared to be Israeli and Palestinian flags in the parking lot. I thought to myself, “wow, could it be that peace in the Middle East is beginning in our home town of Mississauga?!”  Upon further inspection, I realized I was walking into a brawl between some Jewish Defense League and Palestinian protestors in the parking lot. 

1. The Time I Called the Police Because I Thought Someone was Burying a Body:

This summer, I was driving down McLaughlin Road past Heartland when I saw a man with a duffle bag digging frantically near a wooded area. I panicked, as I just spent the day surfing the “unsolved crime” section on the RCMP website and called the cops. The police showed up in like five minutes, with 10 squad cars flying up to the area as they rushed the man in the forest.  I later received a call from the police advising me the man was burying a time capsule and was digging frantically as he was running out of daylight. Oops! Oh well, better safe than sorry, I guess. 

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