3 meteor showers to watch out for in Ontario in 2024


Published February 11, 2024 at 12:17 pm

Sky enthusiasts, especially those fond of tracking “shooting stars” may want to mark their calendars for these meteor showers happening in 2024.

According to Space.com,  these three meteor showers are expected to be particularly strong, providing excellent visibility with minimal disruption from the moon.

Eta Aquariids: The peak occurs on May 4 with potential outbursts and will be mostly noticeable in the southern hemisphere. With a waning crescent moon, observers in both hemispheres can expect minimal moonlight interference.

In a clear sky, the maximum rate for shooting stars will be approximately 50 per hour.

Perseids: On the night of August 12 and into the early hours of August 13, the Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak.

During this time, the first quarter moon sets before the radiant—the point from which the meteors appear to originate—rises high in the sky. This means there will be little to no moonlight, allowing for clear visibility of the meteors against the night sky.

If the sky is clear, the Perseids will have a meteor rate of about 100 ‘shooting stars’ per hour.

Geminids: The Geminids will peak on Dec. 13. Although a waxing gibbous moon may cause slight  interferences, a significant number of bright meteors will remain visible making it a noteworthy event.

If the night sky is clear, these showers can produce up to 100 meteors per hour.

If you are a first-time stargazer or an astronomy aficionado, here are some items to be prepared with as recommended by Space.com: 

Red flashlight — Fainter meteors require eyes to adjust to the dark, especially when you’re using a night-sky map. The red light will help preserve your night vision.

Warm clothing — It can get pretty chilly as you wait for the meteor showers. Grab a warm hat, coat, a scarf and a sleeping bag, if staying outdoors for a long period of time.

Hot drink — A hot beverage will help keep you warm. Tea and coffee are often the go to choice as it also helps you stay awake.

Deck chair —  Looking up for hours at a time could put a strain on your neck. It’s advised to use a deck chair that will keep you in an inclined position for maximum comfort.

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